Weekly Photo Challenge: Extra

Weekly Photo Challenge: Extra

Originally posted on retireediary:

This week’s Photo Challenge is “Extra“.

The challenger wants us to show pictures which includes a little somethingin them.

Here are three photos of the same theme that has got a little something slipped into the  pictures.

We were walking on the dam of the Plover Cove reservoir which was formed by building a dam in the sea and pumped the water dry on one side.

So, on one side, you have the side and on the other side, you have the fresh water reservoir.CIMG1924

The reservoir, when constructed in the 60s, was the world’s first fresh water lake  reclaimed from an arm of the ocean.CIMG1957

The reservoir  is the largest reservoir in Hong Kong in terms of area, and the second-largest in terms of volume (holding  230 million m3). Its main dam was one of the largest in the world at the time of its construction…

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